Berg Hortimotive

Willem Bongaards

Mechanical Engineer

"The BeNomic Star is our king because it is a fantastic product that I work on with heart and soul."

Willem Bongaards

Our king: the BeNomic Star

"I assemble the BeNomic Star, from the bare frame to a complete trolley," Willem explains.
Curious about his whole story? Watch the video.

Assembling the BeNomic Star

Willem joined Berg in 1998 as a sprayer/powder coater. His current position is assembling the mechanical part of the BeNomic Star. Willem assembles both the scissor and the trolley. "So I actually assemble the trolley, from the bare frame to a complete trolley. I build the scissors in such a way until it is a scissor that does what it is supposed to do", says Willem.

Development of the BeNomic Star

To improve the BeNomic Star, Willem sees a role for himself as someone who signals. He identifies what he thinks could be improved and infoms his colleagues who can work on this to make the BeNomic perfect or, if possible, even better. Willem sees a bright future for BeNomic. You notice that the market worldwide is in motion again. "I have been with Berg for 25 years and I still enjoy going to work every day. It's just fun working here," says a happy Willem. In terms of developing the pipe rail trolleys, Willem thinks it is important to stay on top of things and keep thinking about what can be improved. He also says it is important to pick up questions from the field. "Because you can’t do it alone, we do it together."

"You can't do it alone, we do it together."
Willem Bongaards

Why the BeNomic Star is our king? Our colleagues will tell you!

The BeNomic Star is our best-selling pipe rail trolley, and we are proud of it! We owe this success to the colleagues who have been working for years on the development of the pipe rail trolley. They will tell you why the BeNomic Star is the king of Berg Hortimotive.

Willem Bongaards


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