Berg Hortimotive

Hortigala of the Year

On November 1st, the Hortigala of the Year took place. The evening was opened by Minister Carola Schouten and KUBO Group was appointed as the new leader of the Hillenraad100. Hillenraad 100 provides an overview of the 100 leading companies in the knowledge and capital-intensive greenhouse and horticulture industries. The list paints a picture of the full cluster, divided into seven segments. Ever since 2003, the Hillenraad100 has been the monitor when it comes to the developments in the Dutch horticulture industry.

About Hillenraad

The Hillenraad100 assesses the companies on the basis of strategy, market position, organizational performance, innovation and corporate social responsibility. The business model entails a wider scope and assesses 19 factors in total.

Hillenraad itself is looking for nominees as well, and bases its assessments on information from public sources, press releases, databanks for business information, and, of course, the data submitted by the companies themselves. In addition to the research conducted by Hillenraad Partners, the value of the Hillenraad100 is in no small part due to the contribution of the Committee of Experts. Based on their specific areas of expertise, these well-informed specialists assess the selected businesses. They not only employ technical analyses, but also add the market sentiment, as though the company was quoted on the stock market.

The Committee of Experts has been broadly composed. Thanks to their experience, contacts and inside information, the members of the Committee of Experts are able to properly evaluate the various nominated businesses. The knowledge and expertise of the Committee of Experts is a valuable addition to all the other resources employed by the Hillenraad100.

Royal Brinkman awarded twice

Royal Brinkman was appointed as number 3 of the Hillenraad100; customer centricity and empowerment were only a few of the reasons mentioned by the expert committee. Innovations and thinking in concepts instead of products were also mentioned as qualities necessary, when creating more value for costumers. With tens of thousands of customers world-wide Royal Brinkman’s performance was expressed as one of global proportions in every aspect. Next to that they were also awarded as best family-company; this family excels in delivering world class.

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Ready for tomorrow

As a manufacturer we are very proud to be part of such a prestigious and global operating family. The DNA is even felt in our facility in ‘de Lier’, filled with energy and armed with confidence we are looking forward. We are more competitive than ever before in the history of Berg Hortimotive. This is great news for everyone working with us, be it our users, a supplier or a member of our global network of service-partners.

Regardless of location and time, we are ready to help our customers better, faster and more efficient!

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