Berg Hortimotive

Happy holidays & a prosperous new year!

Happy holidays & a prosperous new year!

2022 was challenging. The gas crisis, the war, Covid-19, these are all situations that we all faced, directly or indirectly, and unfortunately still do. Take for instance the scarcity of parts. This scarcity demands enormous flexibility from our customers, service partners and employees. Collaborations have been intensified and we have started new collaborations in order to meet demand in the best possible way. A good example of this is the BeMatic Meto SW PLC. Due to scarcity, we looked for an alternative which we found.

Fortunately, there are more positive things to mention for 2022. For instance, we participated in trade fairs again and had live discussions with our customers, partners and other stakeholders. In June, we launched the new BeNomic line pipe rail trolleys; a suitable solution for every market. Since then, the BeNomic Star 300 has been further optimized in quality, user-friendliness and transport costs savings.  

The new year is all about our BeNomic line and further developing our BeMotion AGV Tomato and AGV Pepper. We see automation in our sector increasing rapidly in the coming years. This will include the Partnering Platform. This application can be used to move spraying, scouting and harvesting robots autonomously. We offer a diverse range of partnering platforms; for every cultivation situation and use a suitable platform and thus a custom-made solution.

Last summer, Royal Brinkman Technical Projects and Berg Hortimotive joined forces. This offers a great opportunity to further build together on a future-proof and stable technical organization with competitive quality products and service worldwide.
Of course, we will also be happy to provide you with the best internal logistics solutions for greenhouse horticulture in 2023.

We wish you a healthy and a prosperous 2023!

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