Young Grow saves labour with the BeTracs
The company Young Grow in 's-Gravenzande has made several technical adjustments to save labour. With the purchase of 4 BeMotion BeTracs from Berg Hortimotive, they automate the crop transport process. These electric tractors automatically drive the harvesting trolleys from the greenhouse to the processing area.
The BeMotion BeTrac drives by induction. By milling the system's wires into the concrete floor, the tractor can follow the wire. The tractors drive back and forth at a moderate speed, on fixed travel paths. This gives more rest and makes the process safer. In fact, the BeTrac has a safety system at the front, so it always stops in time.
At Young Grow, they are currently growing vine tomatoes. These were previously driven back and forth by an employee with 1 hand tractor. With the BeMotion BeTracs, they save labour and achieve a constant supply of tomatoes to the shed. As a result, there are always enough products available in the packing hall. This prevents high peaks in the greenhouse and processing area.
Denny Threels, grower at Young Grow, is very satisfied with the new BeMotion BeTracs: "There is much more peace and quiet in the company now. Now you constantly have a couple of tractors going back and forth at low speed. Before someone was constantly tearing back and forth to keep up in the peak season. These tractors gives more rest."
Click here to read the whole article on GroentenNieuws (Dutch).